Letter to the editor: Clean up your act, politicians

To the Editor:

There have always been mass shootings, singular shootings and everything in between but why is it so much more frequent today? I believe one reason is all the hatred that is being spewed by our political parties. When the top officials in our country are on the television, radio and in print every day with their hatred it inspires those who are on the verge of violence, to act. They feel they can make their statement in a different way since they don’t have those resources provided to those in power. Especially when they are on the edge of mental health problems.

I have listened to Nancy Pelosi with her extreme hatefulness of Donald Trump and wonder why someone in such a high important office would do that, thinking it causes no harm and not have enough class to present her ideas in a true diplomatic way. She is not the only one but she is one of the worst. Several other party members at one time or another have unleashed their opposition in ways similar to hers. Years ago there was much more class in the public statements of top government officials. And with all the communications available, news can be obtained through so many media sources that today everyone has access. Come on politicians, clean up your act. I believe it would be a step in the right direction to calm the general public down.

Forrest Chambers
