Center Grove alum Delp charged with rape at IU

Connor Delp, a former football and track standout at Center Grove, has been charged with two counts of rape, sexual battery and battery in Bloomington.

He posted bond on Wednesday and will face an initial hearing today.

The charges stem from an incident reported to Indiana University police on Nov. 13 of last year. According to the arrest report, Delp invited the two victims over to his apartment on the evening of Nov. 10. Around 3 a.m. the following morning, one victim said they were led to Delp’s bedroom “to play video games,” the report said.

One victim fell asleep, and Delp grabbed the other’s face to kiss her and touched her “in uncomfortable places,” according to the arrest report, which describes Delp’s actions as forceful as he removed his clothing and that of one of the victims.

During the alleged sexual assault that followed, the other victim woke up and started shouting, which caused Delp to stop, the report continued. The two victims then left Delp’s apartment.

Delp gave a different account of events to police, saying that the sexual activity that took place between he and the two women was consensual, and that neither of the victims ever told him “no,” pushed back or cried during the incident.

“There are always two sides to every story,” a statement from Delp’s attorney said. “Connor Delp intends to vigorously defend against these charges in the appropriate forum — the courtroom.”

After graduating from Center Grove, Delp made the IU football team as a walk-on receiver and kick returner in the fall of 2021. He did not play as a freshman but appeared in eight games in 2022 before being suspended from the team in November. He was subsequently dismissed from the football program in January.

Delp had also been held out of all team activities in November of 2021 following allegations of another sexual assault. No charges were filed in that instance, however, and Delp returned to the Hoosiers’ roster to start the 2022 season.