Greenwood Community High School, Anthem to host mental health week

A planned mental health week and community tailgate at Greenwood Community High School will raise awareness of the resources available to students next week.

“Highlight Mental Health” is a week-long event featuring events and informative sessions about support resources for Greenwood students, culminating with a free community tailgate prior to the Woodmen’s football game against visiting Decatur Central on Sept. 29. Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield has partnered with the Greenwood Education Foundation, Greenwood Athletic Department and Bring Change to Mind for the event in hopes of letting students know what mental health resources are available to them.

The idea of having a mental health week came from Darryl Lockett, Anthem’s health equity director, who wanted to partner with a local school district on an idea for health and wellness outreach. As Anthem staff did more research, they realized that September is National Suicide Prevention Month, so they decided to look at mental health awareness and how it affected youth, said Lissi Lobb, director of Anthem’s Behavioral Health Program.

They considered partnering with a few different school districts but ultimately chose Greenwood because two of their associates live in Greenwood and have deep ties to the community — including Lobb.

“We felt like that would be a very organic relationship, easy to tap into,” she said.

Anthem first approached Greenwood Athletic Director Mike Campbell about the idea of hosting a tailgate and he was very supportive. As planning continued, the Greenwood Education Foundation became involved, and eventually, it grew into a series of student-led activities leading up to the tailgate, Lobb said.

One student group that has been particularly involved is Greenwood’s chapter of Bring Change to Mind, a group that addresses mental health advocacy. Rather than being a support group, the organization is a way to bring mental health issues to light and tell people how to have positive mental health, said Tanya Fenner, a guidance counselor at the high school.

“I went to a conference where they were presenting, and was really excited about it,” Fenner said. “Then we just decided to start a chapter here at Greenwood.”

Events for Highlight Mental Health Week are primarily on Monday and Friday, as the week was already planned to be College Go week for GCHS students, Fenner said. The name of the mental health week was inspired by the theme of a planned spirit day on Friday, Lobb said.

“The theme for the student section’s football game that week is ‘neon,’ so we really wanted to play up on that neon theme,” Lobb said.

On Monday, football players, cheerleaders and members of Bring Change to Mind will be outside the high school handing out cards that say 988 — which is the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. This is an easy way to start the conversation around mental health and resources, Lobb said.

She has also talked with the school’s broadcast team about possibly holding a podcast with a couple of football players and coaches about mental health. This podcast would feature casual conversations about mental toughness versus mental health, and how someone could have mental toughness on the field and still struggle with issues like anxiety and depression, she said.

“Those two sometimes contradict each other,” Lobb said. “If you’re a football player, you’re seen as being really a tough guy … that may impact you when you are struggling and it makes it more difficult to ask for help.”

Those arriving at the high school for the game and tailgate Friday will be greeted by 988 yard signs all the way down Woodman Boulevard. During the tailgate, mental health-branded items and 988 gear will be handed out to students, including T-shirts, rally towels and stress balls, she said. Food truck, games and prizes will be also be available.

A T-shirt toss by cheerleaders is also planned during the game, Lobb said.

Having an event like this is important as suicide is the second-leading cause of death for high school-age youth, and because studies have shown only half of children and adolescents with a mental health condition receive the treatment they need, Lobb said. Early intervention and mental health support can help youth as they navigate these challenges, she said.

“The community has come a long way when it comes to destigmatizing conversations around mental health,” Lobb said. “But I still think that there’s work to go. We want people to be able to speak freely about their mental health condition as it is a whole health issue and not just an isolated issue.”

People may talk about their physical health issues openly with no fear, but the same is not true for mental health. Engaging them early can help prompt them to be more open and to seek help themselves, she said.

Lobb has been blown away by the response so far by students, administrators and the Greenwood Education Foundation. There was immediate enthusiasm and support from everyone, she said.

“It reinforces that we have such a great community, we have the people there that are willing to lean in and offer their support,” she said. “Making that visible for our young ones so that they don’t feel isolated or alone, that there are people within their own community who really care about them (and) who want to see them succeed.”

It’s really important to let kids know they don’t have to hold things in and can let people know if they are struggling, Fenner said. It’s also important for parents to get involved and be there for their children when they are struggling, she said.

“Ask questions and reach out and make sure that our teens, and everyone, really are OK,” Fenner said. “Talking about mental health, there’s no shame in that and we need to get that out there. There’s no shame in asking for help.”

Lobb also stressed the importance of making sure everyone is aware of the 988 crisis line, which can provide people with immediate access to a mental health professional if they need one.

“Any type of phone call, text, chat — they can ensure that that person who’s reaching out gets the right care that they need at the right time,” she said.


Highlight Mental Health Community Tailgate

What: A free community tailgate to promote education and awareness of mental health before the home football game against the visiting Decatur Central Hawks. A food truck, games and prizes will be available, along with free T-shirts, rally towels and more.

When: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 29

Where: Greenwood Community High School, 615 W. Smith Valley Road

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