GPL Column:Creative inspiration at the library

It’s so easy to get stuck in our daily routines. With so much on our plates — work, school, family responsibilities — it feels impossible sometimes to not be stuck. As a working mom, I definitely feel this, but I also know that breaking out of the rut from time to time is so important to my mental health.

For me, having a creative outlet has always been important. I know I feel my best when I’m able to switch my focus away from my daily demands for a bit, whether that’s taking a formal art class or simply just coloring in a coloring book. Not only does this creative time allow my mind and body to relax some, but I also feel more inspired when I’m able to create and learn new things. And isn’t a relaxed and inspired mom (or worker) really a benefit to everyone? That’s why I’m so excited about Greenwood Public Library’s new Demo Days.

Each month, GPL will be hosting a different artist or maker in The Studio Makerspace as they offer a demonstration of their work. We’ll be hosting demos of UV resin, woodblock printing, fabric art, basket weaving, and more over the next few months. While not the same as creating yourself, watching others create can be so inspiring. I find it fascinating to learn about new skills and watch other artists’ creative process. Plus, seeing others create makes me want to create!

If you were fortunate enough to visit GPL this past August, you may have seen a beautiful fabric art piece by Vera Bogle hanging in our Exhibit Hall. I was blown away by her creative use of fabric, which she uses almost like paint as she crafts stunning works of art. Just looking at her piece made me think and start crafting new art projects in my head. I’m so excited that Vera will be offering a Demo Day this coming January on her fabric art process. If just looking at her finished pieces was inspiring, I can’t even imagine how awesome a demo will be.

After a demo, I know I may feel the need to swing by the craft store to grab the supplies I need to make my own creations. Or maybe, I’ll just get that creative bug and go home to start doodling. Or I may stick around The Studio Makerspace and use the Cricut or Glowforge to create something fun and awesome. Either way, having that dedicated time each month to devote to new creative opportunities is so exciting to me. I hope you’ll be able to join us and be inspired too.

Valerie Holbrook is the Marketing Specialist at Greenwood Public Library. GPL staff members share in writing this twice monthly column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].