Letter to the Editor: That’s your main concern?

To the Editor:

We have an estimated 10.5 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the border.

We have inflation that is killing our paychecks.

Large cities have streets filled with the homeless which includes dope addicts, those with mental problems, and those with no ambition. Crime and murder rates are up in some large cities.

Gasoline prices continue to be high.

Some have also said there is also a danger we could become involved in a world war.

And the media tell us that in the recent election, the main thing Democrats were concerned about was abortion. That was the driving issue that got them out to vote? To them killing the unborn is more important than having bread and butter, fuel and safety?

They will be hungry, cold, drive-less, jobless and afraid to leave their homes but will comfort themselves by saying, “We saved abortion.”


James Brown
