Bargersville updating master parks plan, seeking input

Bargersville Parks Department is asking for community feedback as it updates and finalizes its master plan.

The plan was updated in 2021, but more information needs to be submitted to the state for approval — which is necessary for grant funding, said Kris Wilson, parks director.

Because of growing development, the state recommended that the town update its park master plan again, she said.

Since beginning her position in January as the town’s first parks director, Wilson said she has been playing catch up for the community. There’s a shared sentiment that the town doesn’t have enough parks and residents want to see more, she said.

“Because we do have a lot of growth to catch up on, but [there is] a lot of the positive, a lot of things that people are wanting,” Wilson said. “I think we’re working hard to do it as resources and funding becomes available.”

A draft version of the master plan was sent to the state in early November. The town is still garnering feedback from residents as it works to finalize the plan.

“With so many new residents and businesses, we want to ensure that they have their input on this new version,” Wilson said.

Connecting trails and sidewalks to downtown Bargersville and other areas is a “high priority” for the parks department, Wilson said. Residents have also expressed a desire to create indoor spaces for the colder months.

Officials also hope to create and improve pedestrian connectivity around town.

Survey responses and feedback have been “incredibly helpful,” for the new department, Wilson said. Through feedback, officials have been able to gauge what residents want and what they don’t want to see in their local parks.

“It’s exciting to see the desire that people want all these things — recreation, parks, added amenities — it’s exciting to see. I’m glad I can be a part of it, just looking forward to the map of how we’re going to put all of this together.”

The town is hoping to have a public meeting in January to hear even more feedback from residents, Wilson said. The date for the hearing isn’t set yet.

“We just really want any kind of input, positive, negative, suggestions, anything like that, I’d love to hear,” she said. “We’ve got a variety of residents from all walks of life, so I like getting the feedback from everybody.”

To take the survey, visit and click the pop-up in the bottom right corner.