GPL Column: Challenge yourself in 2024

Reading has been an important part of my life since my middle school days (long, long ago), whether for entertainment, learning, coping or a combination of all three.

However, the way I’ve chosen what to read has changed over the decades. I used to pick romance, romance or another romance book to read — perhaps inspired by growing up watching soap operas (even though those rarely had happy endings to their storylines.)

I did have my favorite romance writers, so the books I read each year never varied much outside that small group of authors, unless I had to read something for school. Not until I started leading a book club that I intentionally expanded the types of books I read regularly.

I’ve found I greatly enjoy tackling new genres and writing styles, as well as the occasional nonfiction book, all while having my romance comfort reads throughout the year as well. I am looking forward to how my world will expand in 2024 through new books.

If you, too, are interested in exploring more books in 2024, the library is here to help with the Your 2024 Reading Challenge program, starting in early January. During the event, we will explore different types of challenge styles, from chill to ambitious. You can pick an overall number of books to read in the year or stick with just one per month or quarter. And we’ll have some hot chocolate and snacks to munch on while we ponder our challenges.

Can’t make the event? There are plenty of ready-made challenges, such as those on — its Decades Reading Challenge has always appealed to me. has some guidance as well.

If you are a nerd like me, you might like tracking what you read throughout the year to see how many books you complete, if nothing else. I use GPL’s Beanstack app (a free account) to record my books all year long, especially during our all-ages winter and summer reading programs. I also like tracking my titles on I plan to explore as well in 2024. Most sites offer reading recommendations to help you find future books.

And, of course, the library staff can provide guidance along the way. We love chatting about books and offering read-alike titles. Just visit any of our help desks if you need some reading inspiration.

If you like reading and talking about what you read, the library offers several monthly book clubs plus new Book Talk+ events that will explore different genres throughout the year. Our Book Chats will pop back up here and there as well to give you info about upcoming books that you might want to add to your To Be Read list. Two books that will be in demand in early 2024 include Alex Michaelides’ “The Fury” (out Jan. 16) and Kristin Hannah’s much anticipated “The Women” (out Feb. 6).

Whether you want to plan your whole year of reading, or just your next book, the library is here for you. Happy reading in 2024!

Susan Jerger is an Adult Services Librarian at Greenwood Public Library. GPL staff members share in writing this twice-monthly column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].