Residents invited to share input on Bargersville’s park master plan

Now is the time to make your voice heard.

The Bargersville Parks Department seeks public input as part of the five-year master plan update.

Parks officials will hold an open-house-style opportunity for the public to share what they want to see from town parks in the coming years. Comments shared will assist the Bargersville Parks and Recreation Board and department in developing plans for future park projects, funding and operations.

There’s already a draft master plan that was created based on feedback from an online survey that officials collected responses from last fall. The meeting will help gather even more input that will be considered for the final plan draft.

The meeting is Jan. 16 at 5 p.m. in the town council boardroom at Bargersville Town Hall, 24 N. Main St.

For more on the master plan see this previous story on the process.