Prusiecki ‘excited’ to step back into Indian Creek superintendent role

A former Indian Creek superintendent is back in the role again.

Nineveh-Hensley Jackson United School Board approved Matthew Prusiecki as school superintendent at Tuesday’s meeting.

Prusiecki previously served as Indian Creek superintendent from 2011 to 2013 before he took a job at Decatur Township Schools in Indianapolis. He worked for Decatur Township for 21 years, with 11 of those years as the district leader.

In total, he will bring more than 30 years of experience in education, with 13 of those as superintendent. Prusiecki has also been a teacher and coach at West Lafayette Harrison High School and Warren Central High School in Indianapolis.

Prusiecki was approved for an initial term of 867 days from Feb. 13 2024 to June 30, 2026 and subject to a renewal term of one year following. The decision to appoint Prusiecki was unanimous among the school board, said Thomas Burgett, the board’s vice president. Superintendents are responsible for hiring and firing principals, central office administrators, business managers, custodial staff, nurses, athletic coaches and other school employees, according to Indiana law.

Indian Creek was left without a superintendent for this academic year after Tim Edsell left for the superintendent position at Clark-Pleasant Community Schools. Assistant Superintendent Andrea Perry stepped in to fill his responsibilities until the board hired Mary Roberson as interim superintendent through a firm. Prusiecki was appointed as interim superintendent in December when Roberson could not continue due to prior obligations.

When the opportunity arose to come back to Indian Creek, it wasn’t anything Prusiecki had planned for, he said. However, it was “really good timing” as he was retiring from Decatur Township and making post-retirement plans. He’s not the type to sit around, he said.

“Being ‘retired,’ I really thought ‘Hey, this is a great way to spend retirement by being able to get back to a great community that I worked in, in the past,” Prusiecki said.

He’s excited to get back to the community and pick up where he left off, he said. His main goal has always been to make a positive impact on the community while helping families and the school district “flourish and grow,” he said.

“Specifically, it’s really getting to plug myself into what those needs are and be able to, hopefully, offer my experience into making those things happen,” Prusiecki said.

A decade has passed since Prusiecki was last at Indian Creek, but not much has changed in terms of the relationships he’s built with the community. Prusiecki said he is looking forward to settling in and continuing to learn and grow as a school administrator. He’s already volunteered to take a student to lunch as a part of a Bingo raffle and to play in a teachers and staff game against the Harlem Wizards on Wednesday.

“I don’t have all the answers, but there’s a group of people in this community that we can work collectively with to do the best we can,” Prusiecki said.

Greg Waltz, school board president, said Prusiecki’s commitment to the students makes him a good fit for the role.

“His heart is with the kids and what’s best for the kids,” Waltz said. “It’s easy to drive something, but when you can interact with our administrator and have that improve with teachers and everything with that goes along with that experience. I think it was a good fit.”

He serves on numerous boards, including Central Indiana Education Services Center, Southside Special Services Center, Communities in Schools Indiana and Second Helpings. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in History and Master of Arts in Social Services from Indiana University, a Master of Science in Administrative Education from Butler University and a Doctor of Philosophy in School Administration from Indiana State University.