Letter to the Editor: GOP needs to do better on immigration

To the Editor:

Another week, another inevitable capitulation by the Republican Congress to the whims of presidential candidate Donald Trump. It’s amazing how the conservatives and MAGA faction of our Congress always want it both ways.

They scream non-stop about immigration and border security. But when there is a bipartisan deal to address the issues — one that has more of what the conservatives want than ever before — they allow Trump to sit on it to help his campaign. If they allow our Congress and President Joe Biden to act it might actually give the people a glimmer of hope that our government can function capably without Trump’s thumb on everything.

Yes, we need secure borders. Yes, we periodically have surges in illegal immigrants trying to cross and the current surge is significant. But it is telling that the second there is a bipartisan deal put forth to do something about it, it’s “oh no, no, no” by the GOP.

It’s also telling that one demand from the MAGA faction is to cut any further aid to Ukraine before agreeing to any border deal. U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Trump ally, has threatened to trigger a motion to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson if he brings a border bill with Ukraine aid to the House floor. Hmm, could that possibly have anything to do with Trump having been impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine’s president providing he would produce some dirt on Biden’s son? Or maybe because supporting Ukraine doesn’t fit into Trump’s plans to support Putin.

The House GOP may never enact legislation that will make any meaningful changes to improve our border security. Why would they? It gives them too much political fodder every four years.

Make no mistake — it is the Republican Party this time and times before — who have proven they are not seriously concerned with legislating to the benefit of this nation. Ask them for trashy reality TV-level government and massive tax breaks for the uber-wealthy and they will deliver in spades, but don’t hold your breath for anything more than that.

Lisa Voiles
