Johnson County Democrats plan open house at new headquarters; seek memorabilia

The public is welcome to an open house for the Johnson County Democrats’ new headquarters in downtown Franklin.

The local party will hold a grand opening and open house March 26 from 5-8 p.m. People are invited to enjoy light refreshments, and meet candidates and party officers. The headquarters is located at the former site of Electric Key Records, 65 E. Jefferson St., Franklin.

Party leaders are excited to have a headquarters again after a long lapse. Johnson County Democrats Chair Amanda Stevenson-Holmes said it has been about 45 years since the local party last had a dedicated headquarters. The last headquarters was also in downtown Franklin, she said.

Party leaders will use the space as a base to register voters, organize volunteers and get-out-the-vote initiatives, support candidates, provide yard signs and educational materials, hold county party meetings, have important community and civic conversations, offer a safe space for Democrats and more, she said in an announcement on the open house.

Stevenson-Holmes is also asking people to donate any Democratic Party memorabilia they have to help decorate the space.