Perennial Exchange hosts fall plant swap

Gardening season may be coming to a close in central Indiana.

But before it’s gone, local residents are invited to take part in a fall plant swap to help diversify and augment their own garden beds.

The Perennial Exchange, an organization dedicated to swapping perennial plants with other gardeners, hosts its fall event Sept. 21 in Bloomington. Participants can exchange plants with other growers, listen to a presentation on perennials and tour the showcase gardens of two members.

The event will be held at Moose Lodge No. 1081, 840 S. Cory Lane, Bloomington.

Formed in 1995, the Perennial Exchange was created to bring gardeners together to trade perennial plants. The club has two plants swaps a year, one in the spring and one in the fall, and plant swap days generally consist of trading plants, sharing with new gardeners, listening to speakers, participating in workshops and taking garden tours.

The Sept. 21 swap starts at 9 a.m. with a setup and continental breakfast. The swap itself goes from 10 to 10:40 a.m., followed by a businesses meeting.

At 11 a.m., a light brunch is planned to accompany an educational presentation. As the event comes to a close, door prizes will be awarded.

The final event of the afternoon is an optional visit to a pollinator garden in a nearby neighborhood.

Admission is $10 per attendee to cover the rental and other costs. First-time attendees are not required to be Perennial Exchange members, but they are asked to register online at by Monday.