AP Science

Things to know about dangerous rip currents and how swimmers caught in one can...

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Stinging jellyfish, rays with their whip-like tails and sharks on the hunt are some ocean hazards that might typically...

Climate change makes India’s monsoons erratic. Can farmers still find a way to prosper?

BENGALURU, India (AP) — Each year from June to September, a heavy band of rain makes its way from India's southwest coast to its...

A German town’s referendum on culling pigeons has led to an uproar by animal...

BERLIN (AP) — An ongoing fight between residents and animal rights activists over whether to cull pigeons in a small German town has led...

A ship found far off Israel’s coast could shed light on the navigation skills...

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A company drilling for natural gas off the coast of northern Israel discovered a 3,300-year-old ship and its cargo,...

Alberto, season’s first named tropical storm, dumps rain on Texas and Mexico, which reports...

TAMPICO, Mexico (AP) — Tropical Storm Alberto rumbled toward northeast Mexico early Thursday as the first named storm of the season, carrying heavy rains...

Colombian family’s genes offer new clue to delaying onset of Alzheimer’s

WASHINGTON (AP) — Scientists studying a family plagued by early-in-life Alzheimer’s found some carry a genetic oddity that delays their initial symptoms by five...

For the endangered Nashville crayfish, its rebound is both good and bad news

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Dale McGinnity has been turning over rocks in Mill Creek to study the endangered Nashville crayfish for a decade. He...

It’s summer solstice time. What does that mean?

DALLAS (AP) — It's time for the start of summer — with a full moon to boot.Here’s what to know about the summer solstice...

A year after the Titan’s tragic dive, deep-sea explorers vow to pursue ocean’s mysteries

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — The deadly implosion of an experimental submersible en route to the deep-sea grave of the Titanic last June has not...

NASA’s Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, is doing science again after...

DALLAS (AP) — NASA's Voyager 1, the most distant spacecraft from Earth, is sending science data again.Voyager 1's four instruments are back in business...