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Assisted living center planned; caregivers say need high locally

A new assisted living center is planned in Greenwood, and caregivers for seniors in Johnson County say the need for services is increasing with...

Garage destroyed in Prince’s Lakes fire

A garage was destroyed and two decks on a home were damaged after a fire in Prince's Lakes. Firefighters from Nineveh, Amity and Trafalgar responded...

Commerce connector not a priority for governor

Eleven years ago, a proposal to build a new highway that would wrap around Indianapolis, reaching south of Franklin, drew outcry from local residents. The...

Caucus set to select new Franklin City Council member

Here we go again. Republican Party leaders in Franklin have a job ahead: Picking a new member of the Franklin City Council who will replace...

Garage destroyed in Prince’s Lakes fire

A garage was destroyed and two decks on a home were damaged after a fire in Prince's Lakes. Firefighters from Nineveh, Amity and Trafalgar responded...

Mission: Curb drug crisis in Indiana

You've heard of the federal Cancer Moonshot initiative to speed qlong research, come up with more therapies and prevent and detect cancer sooner. Gov. Eric...

Rough roads take a toll: Governor wants to hear from residents on funding repairs

A higher gas tax, a new vehicle registration fee and tolls on Indiana highways are all on the list of possibilities to bring another...

Mission: Curb drug crisis in Indiana

You've heard of the federal Cancer Moonshot initiative to speed qlong research, come up with more therapies and prevent and detect cancer sooner. Gov. Eric...

Assisted living center planned; caregivers say need high locally

A new assisted living center is planned in Greenwood, and caregivers for seniors in Johnson County say the need for services is increasing with...

Learning experience

He had been on the sidelines as the leader of the state or a U.S. senator met with residents, made big announcements or simply...