Local Opinion

Letter: Young’s involvement in schools touches issues, students

To the editor: I write to support John Young for state representative in District 47. I am a special education teacher at Indian Creek Schools, and...

Letter: State representative best advocate for small local businesses

To the editor: I write asking voters to re-elect Rep. John Young for District 47 and to make sure we send him back to the...

Ease of shopping can lead to overspending

Do you ever feel like it’s just a little bit too easy to buy things in our modern world? Need a new pair of...

Teachers, students and what Aretha said

INDIANAPOLIS – Like spring flowers, teacher strikes seem to be blooming all over. West Virginia. Kentucky. Arizona. Oklahoma. There even are mutterings from teachers here in Indiana. Trying to determine...

New form of e-cigs lures teens despite no proof it’s safe

The electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette, has been touted – without proof – as a healthier alternative to traditional tobacco products and perhaps even a...

Letter: Young’s involvement in schools touches issues, students

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>I write to support John Young for state representative in District 47.</p> <p>I am a special education teacher at Indian Creek Schools, and...

Teachers, students and what Aretha said

<p>INDIANAPOLIS – Like spring flowers, teacher strikes seem to be blooming all over.</p> <p>West Virginia.</p> <p>Kentucky.</p> <p>Arizona.</p> <p>Oklahoma.</p> <p>There even are mutterings from teachers here in Indiana.</p> <p>Trying to determine...

New form of e-cigs lures teens despite no proof it’s safe

<p>The electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette, has been touted – without proof – as a healthier alternative to traditional tobacco products and perhaps even a...

Letter: Failures of state legislators hurting economy, residents, businesses

To the editor: The special state legislative session should have been unnecessary if the governor and supermajority in the legislature had done their jobs. The...

Letter: Vote for best candidates from all parties for best result

To the editor: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." This well-known statement is accredited to Lord Acton, an English politician, in a letter in 1887....