Local Opinion

Letter: Young’s common sense local values serve community well

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>I am a small business owner, president of the Trafalgar Planning Commission and a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals. John...

Letter: Refusing to debate is un-American

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>Am I the only one in Indiana both alarmed and disgusted by Todd Rokita’s stated reason for initially refusing to participate in...

Letter: Failures of state legislators hurting economy, residents, businesses

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>The special state legislative session should have been unnecessary if the governor and supermajority in the legislature had done their jobs. The...

Letter: Vote for best candidates from all parties for best result

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."</p> <p>This well-known statement is accredited to Lord Acton, an English politician, in a letter in 1887....

Letter: Young’s common sense local values serve community well

To the editor: I am a small business owner, president of the Trafalgar Planning Commission and a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals. John...

Letter: Refusing to debate is un-American

To the editor: Am I the only one in Indiana both alarmed and disgusted by Todd Rokita’s stated reason for initially refusing to participate in...

Journey into meditation takes more research than reflection

<p>I’ve been kind of anxious lately, so my sister suggested I try meditation. She meditates and claims it makes her feel like another person....

Lessons to learn from Nashville shooting

<p>(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel</p> <p>There are at least two important takeaways from the tragic shooting in Nashville, Tenn., recently when a nearly naked gunman stormed a...

Journey into meditation takes more research than reflection

I’ve been kind of anxious lately, so my sister suggested I try meditation. She meditates and claims it makes her feel like another person....

Letter: Braun would work with president for conservative changes

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p> <p>There have been a number of TV ads recently trying to separate the three  Republicans in the upcoming primary for U.S. Senate.</p> <p>Two...