Local Opinion

A clarion call from America’s top doc

The U.S. Surgeon General’s recent public health advisory — urging more Americans to carry naloxone to reverse opioid overdoses — was a rarity, something...

Letter: Voters should keep Ketchum on county council

To the editor: I've been watching the Johnson County Council races with interest. In particular, I'm intrigued by the race for District 1. Pete Ketchum has...

Letter: Trump has potential but needs verbal self control

To the editor: I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 primarily because I could not in good conscience abide another four years of progressive, liberal...

Letter: Columnist wrong on stances in gun control

To the editor: In reply to John Krull’s opinion “Protestors overwhelming NRA,” (April 4), I would like to know where he got the information “LaPierre...

Letter: Higher taxes would be better than car repair costs

To the editor: There has been many reports about the poor condition of Indianapolis roads now that winter is finally wrapping up. However, it's not...

Top 5 local tips for finding art in the garden

I recently shared a few (if 60 is a few) of my favorite photos of art in the garden with the Indianapolis Hostas Society. I...

Opinion: Jobs require education improvements in state

<p>Indiana spends about $7 billion a year on K-to-12 schools and claims to be a pioneer in education reform. Yet thousands of its high...

Marcus: Whether numbers are good or bad is all about context

Several readers contend this column expresses negativism about Indiana. They tell me to find something good to say about the state. That’s easy: Indiana’s...

Opinion: Jobs require education improvements in state

Indiana spends about $7 billion a year on K-to-12 schools and claims to be a pioneer in education reform. Yet thousands of its high...

Road to better infrastructure twists and bends; Donnelly says revitalized transportation, commerce network deserves...

A $1.2 billion boost in annual state road funding, enacted last year by the Indiana General Assembly, will help rehabilitate aging roads and bridges....