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Ryan Trares: Summertime calling


Another chapter has come to a close.

Editorial: Stop gerrymandering and make voting easier


(Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Lee Hamilton: An enduring question for American democracy


I’ve either been involved in or keeping an eye on American politics for more than 60 years now. We’ve faced plenty of tough questions during that time, and though many of them have been resolved and we’ve moved on, some are tenacious — income inequality, racial equity, the ever-ballooning national deficit, climate change. But in all those years, the question I’ve found myself returning to again and again — and that I suppose we’ll never really resolve — is the one Lincoln posed at Gettysburg: Can a nation like ours, ‘conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,’ endure?

David Carlson: When small is bigger


Although I’d been invited, once I retired as a professor, to march with my colleagues at Franklin College’s commencement, I hadn’t done so for the past few years because of COVID-19. But this year, I robed up and joined the faculty, staff, and students for this yearly celebration.

Brian Howey: Braun-McCormick race an abortion ‘referendum’


Indiana is not a state where citizens can petition for an issue referendum to appear on the ballot. Voters in neighboring Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky voted to sustain abortion rights after the U.S. Supreme Court returned the issue to the states in June 2022. So did voters in red states such as Kansas and Montana.

Dr. Richard Feldman: COVID’s still with us, so be reasonably cautious


There’s an expression, “You may be done with COVID, but COVID isn’t done with you.”

Editorial: A way back from campus chaos


The New York Times

Michael Hicks: The end of noncompete clauses


The Federal Trade Commission last month ruled against noncompete clauses on employees, a decision that affects all for-profit firms and all employees except for a few senior executives.