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JCPL Column: Tax time resources at the library


“A person doesn’t know how much he has to be thankful for until he has to pay taxes on it.”

Norman Knight: Looking offline for inspiration


Alas, after 20 years, our faithful KitchenAid has washed its last glass baking pan and rinsed its final coffee cup. We tried banging on it to get one more wash but eventually accepted it was gone and it was time for us to move on. I confessed to Becky I am not so anti-technology that I want to once again do dishes by hand in the sink. So off to the Trafalgar Public Library, we went.

Michael Hicks: The 2023 Forecast


In the past couple weeks I’ve presented my 2023 economic forecast to groups here in Indiana and Ohio. My short-term economic forecast through 2023 and into 2024 is similar to that of the Federal Reserve. I’m predicting the U.S. dodges a recession in 2023 and faces instead what is often called a ‘soft landing.’

John Krull: Guns, every day, everywhere, all the time


Isn’t it amazing when a plan comes together?

Niki Kelly: School choice cost can’t be ignored


Lawmakers need to be honest and upfront about the long-term cost of expanding education scholarship accounts to all children between the age of 5 and 22 with no limitations based on family income, also known as universal school choice.

Dick Wolfsie: Please go away


My wife is getting ready for our upcoming vacation. She has already packed and unpacked and packed again. She practices packing because she wants to be sure everything fits in her suitcase. I practice putting on my pants because I want to be sure there will be room for the waistband to expand after I indulge in the all-you-can-eat buffets on the cruise.

Ryan Trares: No day like a snow day


I’d like to take credit for willing this week’s snowstorm into existence.

League of Women Voters: Understanding 2023 Legislation


Indiana legislators are considering bills that impact the quality of life for Johnson County residents. The prospect of becoming well-informed about legislation can be intimidating. Our goal is to research information so we can participate in developing effective laws.

David Carlson: Baseball card wisdom


My parents moved to another city when I was away at college. On my first visit to our new home, I discovered that my Dad had thrown out my collection of baseball cards in the move. Ever since then, I have wondered if there were some rare and valuable cards that ended up in the trash.

Leo Morris: Maybe spending has something to do with it


When the coal started running low at the mine my father worked in, he considered several options.