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Michael Hicks: Storm Costs on Christmas


As I put pen to paper, the Christmas forecast is for a huge storm. Some are calling in Great Lakes Hurricane, others a bomb cyclone and still others a regular old blizzard. My preferred term for it is not printable in this family-friendly publication. That’s mostly because I have family scrambling to get here before the weather closes airports and roads. Mother Nature appears angry with Father Christmas this year.

John Krull: Lawmakers to public: ‘Talk to the hand’


If you want to understand why government in our country is so often lost, ineffectual and misguided, just look at what’s happening in our Indiana General Assembly.

Ryan Trares: Home for the holidays


Christmas Part 1 is in the books.

David Carlson: ’A Christmas Carol’ for today


I was watching a movie version of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” with my wife recently when I had a strong feeling that I’d encountered this story before. No, I’m not talking about earlier film versions of Dickens’ classic, but something far more ancient.

Leo Morris: Regardless, Merry Christmas


You realize that it’s not a proper Christmas season unless the realist killjoys among us start whining about “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

Michael Hicks: Family Scholar House model should be expanded


Sometimes this column just writes itself. That usually occurs when I see something that is so teeming with potential that even the humblest writer can explain it. That happened earlier this year when retired Sen. Doug Eckerty showed me to the work he was doing at the Family Scholar House in Anderson.

JCPL Column: Reading a gift that keeps giving


Reading is a gift. It may not be one you can wrap up and put under the Christmas tree, but it is a gift that can be given.

Brian Howey: Lt. Gov. Crouch governs via collaboration


To understand Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch’s governing philosophy, one only needs to look south of the Ford Center to the beautiful Stone Family Center for Health Sciences that houses the Indiana University School of Medicine’s southernmost regional campus in Evansville.

Norman Knight: Turning the page on Christmas


Christmas and books just seem to go together. At least they do in my world.