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Michael Hicks: A recession is time to think long term


The United States and much of the world appears to be headed for an economic downturn. For those of us in Indiana, evidence about the depth of a downturn is mixed. We have a high share of manufacturing, which will be heavily affected by higher interest rates. This makes it more likely our recession will be worse than the national average. However, manufacturing employment is now a smaller and less important part of the state and national economies than it was in 1981 when we last went through this type of downturn.

Mark Franke: I wish I had said that …


Oscar Wilde: I wish I had said that.

Dick Wolfsie: Sherlock, find my phone


On my way to pickleball the other day, I realized I did not have my cell phone with me. I panicked at first, but as you may recall from a previous column, my phone is never really lost, it is simply—if I may coin a new application for a perfectly good word—“unfounded.”

Ryan Trares: Forest field trip adventures


This was Anthony’s excursion. I was simply along for the journey.

Leo Morris: Gambling is a fickle game


Suppose I told you I spend a lot of time putting out bids in hopes of winning a contract.

David Carlson: October memories


A memory from 60 years ago this month of October came back to me recently when I heard the latest news from Ukraine. To use an antiquated term, the memory was “unbidden,” meaning that the memory wasn’t one that I was happy to revisit.

JCPL Column: How libraries impact our community


In a digital world, libraries and their paper books can be easily overlooked. Your local public library is a vibrant part of your community because it is far more than books. Two years ago, I accepted the Library’s Marketing and Communications Manager position, and I now see daily all the things we do that help our community.

Norman Knight: FaceTime and ‘The Odyssey’


Granddaughter Lorelei called to ask if I knew anything about “The Odyssey.” She is working her way through the ancient Greek classic in her high school Advanced Placement English class.