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Norman Knight: Great, gorgeous gourds


Sitting at the kitchen table this early morning, I see before me nature’s infinite variety in the form of a shallow blue-gray bowl filled with five small gourds.

Letter to The Editor: New Postmaster in town


To the Editor:

Morton Marcus: Wages, not just jobs


“Jobs, Jobs, Jobs,” bellows State Senator Puffy Stuffy. “Wages, Wages, Wages,” shouts State Representative Roberta Righteous.

John Krull: Ron DeSantis’ foolish flight


Many people have criticized Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis for flying nearly 50 asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.

Michael Hicks: Two economic lessons from the Russo-Ukrainian War


The Russo-Ukrainian conflict is now firmly in a new phase. The Russians lost the strategic element of the war long ago, but now they have managed to lose operationally and tactically. There are two important economic lessons to be learned from this war — one is about public spending on services, the other about free trade.

Dick Wolfsie: Eggo maniacs chick in here


My wife and I did not go to the State Fair this year. It was the first time we missed it (other than the two affected by COVID closures) since we moved to Indiana in 1982. Mary Ellen’s favorite thing is going to the poultry barn to see the baby chicks. I love to get a grilled you-know-what on a stick. We don’t talk much about our favorite things on the way home.

Ryan Trares: Decoration dilemma falls away


The kitchen table looked like the fall section of a craft store had thrown up all over it.

David Carlson: Seeing the whole picture


History has always fascinated me. Some of my school friends hated memorizing dates, battles and presidents, but I loved all of that. But I also found history to sometimes be confusing.

Letter to The Editor: A Queendom for the ages


To the Editor: