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David Carlson: Music as soul food


A song comes on the radio that we haven’t heard for decades. Yet, we sing along, somehow remembering all the words. That experience tells us something important about the power of music, a power that religions have always known.

Kelly Hawes: Biden has important message to deliver


Six out of 10 Republicans in a recent survey say they don’t think former President Donald J. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement represents a majority of the party.

Is Young in trouble? Unlikely, but a poll makes waves


Could U.S. Sen. Todd Young be in trouble in his reelection bid? If so, it would be one of the biggest political upsets Indiana has ever seen.

GPL Column: Southside Disability Resource Fair coming to library


From the moment my child received an autism diagnosis at the age of two I have been on the hunt for as many resources as I can find to assist him. I spoke with multiple healthcare providers, found other parents in my shoes, did countless hours of Google and Facebook searches, looked for support groups, and attended a vendor fair with autism resources. Before long I became one of those parents that other parents sought out when their children were diagnosed. I even turned my knowledge of community resources into somewhat of a career, from working with Indiana Family to Family, Indiana’s parent-to-parent support organization, to my work as a librarian finding resources and providing references.

Norman Knight: A stable image in an unstable world


I felt a nostalgic, tugging sadness last week when I learned the Queen of England had left this terrestrial realm for a celestial one. Since just after I was born, Elizabeth II had reigned over “ this blessed plot, this realm,” I knew as Great Britain. Although I was born in the United States I have always felt a special kinship with England—a “special relationship” as Winston Churchill put it, referring to the enduring bond between the two countries.

Michael Hicks: Benefits and costs of education


Colleges and universities started class a couple weeks ago. I am hopeful the nation will see a slight bump in enrollment following the deep COVID declines. Many students stayed home during COVID, while others took advantage of rising wages for high school graduates. These facts make it a good time to outline the benefits and costs of a college education. These benefits are both private and public.

Leo Morris: From Bowser Pumps to charging stations


Two pictures of Indiana.

John Krull: Requiem for a queen


In the immense fanfare and ceremony that accompanied Winston Churchill’s funeral in 1965, Queen Elizabeth delivered a small but telling gesture.

Dick Wolfsie: When a Google search turns fowl


I just finished listening to a discussion on the radio about Internet search engines. One of the guests wanted to determine the longitude and latitude of an emerging African nation and had begun his hunt with the phrase: WHERE IS_____? Before he started typing the name of the country, Google offered him auto-filled suggestions, anticipating what he might be trying to find. Their initial recommendations were: my tax refund; Frankenmuth, Germany; and Chuck Norris.

Ryan Trares: Hope on the wings of a butterfly


A flurry of orange and black fluttered inside the plastic container.