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Dick Wolfsie: Clean sweep for vacuum party


We recently bought a new vacuum cleaner. We shopped around and decided to purchase an Oreck. Two weeks later, we got this email from the company:

David Carlson: Honoring a great baseball player, city


St. Louis is a special baseball city. I remember the sportscaster Bob Costas saying that Cardinal fans were the most knowledgeable baseball fans in America. Tony La Russa, manager of the Cardinals for 16 seasons, once remarked that people in St. Louis would stop him on the street to suggest different batting lineups.

Morton Marcus: A nation in debt to students


We, the people of the United States, are indebted to the millions of students who took on considerable monetary debt to support their dreams and our colleges and universities.

Mark Franke: The student loan bailout


Politicians used to “encourage” favorable votes from citizens by tapping kegs of whiskey at the polling sites. The stakes are higher these days as our representatives in Washington D.C. think much bigger both in dollars and constituents. The other difference is that those kegs of whiskey came out of the candidates’ pockets while their twenty-first successors have the federal treasury on call.

Norman Knight: Sometimes things fall apart


No light. I twisted the lamp switch a couple more times, of course, just to make sure, but the room stayed early morning dark. Thankfully, the light from the window was enough to help me negotiate the way out of the room and downstairs. Hmm. Looks like I need to add “light bulbs” to the list. Things fall apart. And in my world, they all seem to fall apart at the same time. That’s why I make lists.

Kelly Hawes: Finding the truth can be challenging


In a farewell column for the Washington Post, media critic Margaret Sullivan had some advice for those whose job it is to separate fact from fiction.

Michael Hicks: Student loan forgiveness a policy mistake


There is precious little to like in President Biden’s announcement of student loan forgiveness. Indeed, the most charitable thing that could be said is that it could’ve been worse. It could’ve been more inflationary, a bigger addition to our debt, more distortionary in markets and less equitable. That is about all the faint praise it deserves.

Leo Morris: Tracking ‘the Big Lie’


All this mindless partisan taunting across the political divide really is becoming tiresome, isn’t it?