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Michael Hicks: Why are rich places growing and poor places in decline?


Over the past four decades, the United States suffered its first prolonged period of economic divergence. This type of divergence occurs when rich places grow at a noticeably different rate than poor places, which causes the standard of living to diverge. Roughly around 1980, the nation experienced broad convergence, and capital (businesses) and people migrated from poorer (lower-income, lower-cost) areas to richer (higher-income, higher-cost) areas.

Mark Franke: The idylls of suburban life


We are fortunate to live on a cul-de-sac in a suburban neighborhood, just on the edge of the city limits. We are quite friendly with our neighbors, most of whom have lived here for a long time.

John Krull: When tragedy visits the local mall


Some things grow old fast.

Ryan Trares: Making memories at art camp


Our home came into a new centerpiece work of art this month.

Dick Wolfsie: 600 words to the wise


Monday: People sometimes ask me if I can finish a column in one sitting, like I do with Denny’s Grand Slam breakfast. Or if I dabble with it, like my wife’s spinach soufflé. I’ve used both methods, but the pressure of completing a story in one day has taken its toll. I’m not as young or as creative as I used to be. My column can be no more than 600 words each week, so if I take Sundays off and divide by six days, I’d have to write exactly 100 words a day. Which means that I’m done today.

David Carlson: Confession time


I have a friend who believes that life is primarily composed of random events, mere coincidences. I have other friends who see connections and hidden meanings in almost everything that happens.

Leo Morris: A not-so-special session


Indiana legislators are gearing up for a special session set to begin July 25 and last at least a couple of weeks. We should urge them to reconsider and just stay home.

Morton Marcus: INtro to INdiana: Part 4


Before we delve into Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the county level, please understand federal statistical agencies prevent us from knowing about $13.6 billion or 3.6% of Indiana’s GDP. This “disclosure policy” is intended to protect the privacy of business firms. However, it makes it impossible to give a reasonably complete picture of the economy in most counties.

Lee Hamilton: Remember what government can do


Here’s a question: When was the last time at least half of Americans said the government in Washington could be trusted to do the right thing all or most of the time?