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JCPL Column: Experience the prairie at Trafalgar branch


Johnson County Public Library offers many resources and services to our patrons and community. You might think of books, video games, DVDs, programs, notaries, printing and faxing at first. But did you know we also offer outdoor educational experiences? The native prairie at the Trafalgar Branch Library offers opportunities for you to explore the outdoors while also learning. Here is some information about the prairie to know before you explore it yourself.

Norman Knight: Folksy tunes on the Back Porch


Pastor Mary asked if Becky and I could play a few songs for a Thursday evening event of storytelling and music on the church’s Back Porch. We said we could and would. I find it hard to say no to a request from her. Is that because she is my pastor? Is it because I find it hard to say no to anyone’s request to play music? I’m not sure, and I guess it doesn’t really matter.

Reflections upon my 750th Column


This summer marks my 750th weekly column on these pages. That translates into about 500,000 words or 10 average-sized novels. I thank those of you who diligently read this column, as do the editors of the 25 or so outlets that publish my work each week.

John Krull: An animal of an altogether different sort


The economy these days resembles nothing so much as Doctor Dolittle’s famed Pushmi-Pullyu.

Gov. Holcomb: Let’s not wait to send a billion bucks back to Hoosiers


When the State of Indiana officially closed our fiscal books on June 30, we collected $1.24 billion dollars more than was last forecasted, which has created over $6 billion in reserves. In short, Indiana’s economy continues an unprecedented growth rate, thanks to employers and employees investing their time and talent right here at home.

Ryan Trares: Heading to the House of Mouse


At long last, it’s finally going to happen.

Dick Wolfsie: Father and son base behavior


Did you read the story about the father and son who attended a professional baseball game together and in the fifth inning rushed the field and beat the pulp out of the first-base coach?

David Carlson: Loving the Constitution


Imagine a person with little musical training announcing that he intends to conduct a performance of one of Beethoven’s most beautiful works. Because of this person’s popularity, huge crowds show up to hear these performances. It immediately becomes clear, however, that this person doesn’t even know how to hold the conductor’s baton. Nor does this person know how to read music. The music at the concert is unrecognizable. It is a disaster.

Mark Franke: Alternatives to the education train wreck


It seems all the news about our schools is bad, really bad. One can understand why parents are alarmed over their children being indoctrinated with critical race theory and trans-whatever by unaccountable educators.