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David Carlson: Lost in wonder


I came to an enjoyment of science late. My grades in junior high and senior high school science classes were mediocre at best, and if there had been an emphasis on STEM during those years, none of my teachers would have put my name forward as a good candidate. Many of my friends found math and science classes to be a breeze. My wife and sons certainly did. I found those same classes to be dense fog.

Leo Morris: The last of the ‘keepers’


Know what I will miss most about newspapers when they’re finally gone forever?

Bud Herron: Molly mating is some fish tale


Whether the idea of having human reproduction require two sexes was a brainstorm of God or the random result of evolution, this fact of life certainly leaves me with a lot of questions.

Norman Knight: Flower power by the Mounds


It was a Flower power day, for sure.

JCPL column: Experience nature at the library


Life can be stressful. Daily demands and unforeseen distractions can take their toll on our psyches and our bodies. The last few years are a testament to how life can throw a lot at you. Health professionals constantly preach the importance of finding ways to de-stress and slow down. There are a number of recommended solutions out there – meditation, yoga, mindfulness and more. The library has many books and resources to help learn those techniques. But there’s one resource you might not associate with the library – nature.

The 246th anniversary of ‘The Great Experiment’


On the 246th anniversary of our founding, many Americans will find reason for pessimism about the nation’s future. There are many difficult challenges before us, which I will list shortly. Still, we are also possessed with deep wells of strength from which to craft a free and prosperous future.

John Krull: As American as Plymouth Rock and Wounded Knee


It’s somehow fitting that “Elvis” was the number one movie in America as we headed into the July 4 holiday weekend.

Morton Marcus: INtro to INdiana: Part 2


This week, we move deeper in Indiana’s economy, down the gross domestic product (GDP) rabbit hole into the sectors of that economy.

Ryan Trares: Still filled with wonder on July 4


The staccato “pop-pop-pop” rings out across the neighborhood just as dusk settles in. A whistling bottle rocket explodes with a colorful bang. Sparklers crackle and sizzle in the hands of bewitched children (and some grown up kids.)

Dick Wolfsie: Cooking with gas (or charcoal)

The July 4th weekend cookout is just around the corner and we are planning a barbeque with some friends at our house. That was...