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David Carlson: Playing the blame game


I’m sure many readers have noticed that TV meteorologists often sound apologetic when they forecast approaching bad weather. If there have been days and days of rain, weeks with insufficient rain, or bad weather expected for an upcoming holiday, meteorologists often adopt that “I’m so sorry” tone in their voices when they tell us that unpleasant weather is on its way.

Bud Herron: Juneteenth matters to all Americans


Sunday was Juneteenth National Independence Day — a national holiday commemorating the day in 1865 when the United States Army reached Galveston, Texas, to declare the end of slavery in the last of the former Confederate states to accept military defeat.

Leo Morris: ‘… But Not You, Leo’


“Not you, Leo.”

Norman Knight: Garden variety peas in a pod


My wife Becky thinks about protein. A lot. She reads nutrition labels. She looks up foods which aren’t labeled to see how many grams of protein they contain. She can tell you why protein is important. She can explain why we need protein especially as we get older. When she learns something about protein, she shares it with me, so therefore I, too, know a bit about protein. Still, Becky sometimes claims I am not as enthusiastic about protein as is she. She might be right; perhaps I am not.

GPL column: Summer adventures with a skoolie


Is there anything better than hitting the road for a great summer adventure? How about hitting the road in your custom-built skoolie?

Michael Hicks: Yes, state stimulus checks boost inflation


This current bout of inflation reminds us just what a bipartisan policy fiasco looks like. Before chronicling policy proposals that range from the goofy to counterproductive, it’s good to clearly define inflation and outline its causes.

Morton Marcus: An appeal to the governor for responsible action


Gov. Eric Holcomb sent shivers up my spine last week with his bizarre, billion-dollar bomb blast.

John Krull: Mitch Daniels and destiny’s call


Now that Mitch Daniels has decided to step down as president of Purdue University, the U.S. House of Representatives Jan. 6 Select Committee has made clear that there’s a retirement project waiting for him.

John Krull: Mike Pence, history’s plaything


Mike Pence is proof that history can play with human lives the way a cat does a mouse.

Ryan Trares: Father’s Day is time to reflect


Being a father will be by far the most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted.