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Opinion: The character tells the tale


STURGEON BAY, Wisconsin—In the end, there was little but sadness to feel.

Ryan Trares: Celebrations are in the air


For most people, this time of year is late spring, leading into early summer. The time for swimming pools, sun tans and school breaks.

Opinion: How to read a redhead


My wife is a redhead. We went to New York last month and several strangers commented about how thick and beautiful her hair is. Sometimes when I ask Mary Ellen what she is planning for the next morning, she’ll say, “Washing my hair.” Then I say, “Okay, how about tomorrow afternoon?” And she says, “Drying my hair.” Because I have less hair — way less — I can achieve both of those tasks in about 90 seconds. Mary Ellen will admit that she has a few gray hairs on her head. I also have a few gray hairs, but that’s all I have.

Opinion: On the job training vs. college


I did not go to college because I wanted to.

Opinion: Finding joy in micro-connections


With my wife and me both having compromised immunities, we have played it safe during the pandemic. In addition to receiving shots and both boosters, we still carry masks with us for situations that seem problematic.

Opinion: The Supreme Court’s evolution


In the wake of the leaked draft opinion by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito overturning Roe v. Wade and holding that there is no constitutional right to an abortion, there’s been a tidal wave of commentary on the Court’s politicization. Much of it recently has come from the left or from abortion-rights advocates, arguing that the Court has fallen prey to the same partisanship and polarization that have marked American politics in recent decades.

Indiana lawmakers should suspend gas tax


The price we pay at the pump is truly a bipartisan dilemma — a cost that affects each of us in several ways.

Opinion: Checking for ticks


Woke up in the middle of the night and headed to the bathroom. Hey, it’s what we old guys do. Not only was nature calling, but I was noticing an itch under my arm. Later, when I checked the itchy area in the mirror, I noticed a small, dark spot. Ah-ha. A tick.

Opinion: The Studio can help grow your small business


When I first came to The Studio, the makerspace at the Greenwood Public Library, I came exclusively to the programs. It took a long time before I realized that there were also kits to check out at any time.