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Opinion: Where are the responsible gun owners?


A good friend told me recently he bought four guns as insurance against a violent society. I didn’t bother to note that he lives in a particularly low crime city.

Opinion: Mindless economic development strategy?


The past couple weeks saw Hoosier leaders celebrate two new factory announcements in the state. Together they promise 1,900 factory jobs and roughly $4.6 billion in new investment. Unsurprisingly, this is the sort of thing elected leaders like to tout. The sunny economic development press release is older than the nation and is an especially bipartisan indulgence.

Opinion: The smart money is on the kitten for the win


Now that the brave and compassionate souls in the Indiana General Assembly have finished their jihad against transgender athletes, perhaps they can find a new target for their next crusade.

Ryan Trares: Water-watching on a spring day


Earlier this spring, my wife took a photograph that still sticks with me.

Opinion: Spreading the news


Whenever I read a newspaper article that begs to become the basis of my next humor column, I cut it out and save it. Then I forget where I put it. (I also do that with car titles, birth certificates, and my life insurance policy.) But here’s one rich article I did find on my desktop…

Hearts and Darts


The Trafalgar Country Gardeners plant sale was a great success. The proceeds will help fund community service projects for the next year. Gardens-ful of hearts to the following:

Opinion: Thoughts and prayers are not enough


I know that I will never forget where I was when I heard the news of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. We were visiting our son, daughter-in-law and our two grandchildren in another state. Our grandson is the age of the children killed.

Opinion: Yogi Berra would have something to say


“We just agree different.” Yogi Berra

Opinion: On gas taxes, politicians should ‘get caught trying’ to help


One of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s favorite hymns was titled, “If I Can Help Somebody.” It’s a simple little song with a simple little message about how to avoid living in vain. I have only heard gospel versions of it, and I know that it is generally sung in Christian churches. But when I hear it, I don’t think about religion. No, I think generically about service to others.