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Opinion: Sensationalizing tragedy


Vietnam was the first war brought to our living rooms by television, so I always thought it interesting that the movie about the war moving me most was a made-for-TV film.

Opinion: Checking another item off the bucket list


During an early get-to-know-each-other conversation, Becky and I discovered we had each set for ourselves the personal challenge of visiting all 50 U.S. states. Later in our relationship, after a few years of traveling together, it came to pass that Becky had checked off 48 states on her personal list. She had only North Dakota and Alaska to go. (It is a literal list, a 3-by-5 card we keep on the fridge and scratch off when warranted.)

Opinion: Summerlong fun and learning with the library


Summer is in full swing, and children are at home enjoying their well-deserved summer break. Or, are they? What if your family vacation is over or not until a later time? How can you keep your children engaged and entertained?

Opinion: Let us ask more of ourselves on Memorial Day


On this Memorial Day weekend we set aside time to remember those men and women of whom we asked everything. We asked them to suffer deprivation and pain and ultimately asked that they relinquish all of their tomorrows for us. We asked that they do this so that we could have a Republic — a place ruled by laws, not men, where each of us possess individual value and rights. Here those rights are endowed by our creator, not a king, dictator or emperor.

Opinion: Another avoidable tragedy in America


At the very least, we owe our children the truth.

Opinion: Don’t listen to Chicken Little


We are deluged with “news” that the American labor market is a shambles. Business owners say, “We can’t get people to work, even with higher wages and improved benefit packages.” Well maybe, just maybe, workers have had it with low wages, inadequate respect, and the worm has turned.

Opinion: There’s nothing for Biden to walk back on defending Taiwan


President Joe Biden’s remark May 23 about a U.S. military response should China invade Taiwan was no gaffe and didn’t deserve to be walked back by his aides. Biden knew exactly what he was saying. He stated it three different ways at a news conference as Japan’s prime minister stood beside him. Despite all his previous malaprops and fumbled syntax, in this case, Biden said exactly what needed to be said, and what the world needed to hear.

Janet Hommel Mangas: Butt pats and irises


I received a text last week that almost read like a personal ad.

Opinion: Gas-tax relief small sacrifice to state budget


Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette

David Carlson: For the love of the game


Perhaps we all have a favorite sport to participate in or watch as spectators. For me, that sport is baseball, although my love happily includes softball.