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Leo Morris: Who is replacing what?


Let you in on a little secret: Non-European, non-white voters are flooding the polls, boosting prospects for the Democratic Party and relegating Republicans to permanent minority status.

Opinion: Outbreak of Legionnaires’ may be costly to state


Outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease in prisons are occasionally downplayed by the officials in charge of penal institutions.

Lee Hamilton: Why good journalism matters


Recently, a couple of reporters at The New York Times published an intriguing story about conversations between House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy and other members of his leadership team. It was shortly after the events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol, and they were talking about what to do about then-President Trump.

Holli Sullivan: Smooth 2022 primary thanks to election integrity


If you ever want to examine American patriotism in action, watch Americans vote. I say that firsthand after another successful election season in Indiana.

Opinion: Keeping up with Keillor


I have been a fan of Garrison Keillor’s work since I first listened to “A Prairie Home Companion” on the radio back in the day. Later, when his first book, Lake Woebegon Days, (1985) came out, I discovered another side to his talents. Last November I learned that he had published three new books since the beginning of the pandemic. I set about ordering and then reading Serenity at 70, Gaiety at 80 (2021). After that, I read his autobiography That Time of the Year (2020). And just a few nights ago, I stayed up past my bedtime to finish the last two chapters of his latest novel, Boom Town (2022).

Opinion: A Summer of Adventure


We’re lucky, in Indiana, to have “the greatest spectacle in racing” in our very own backyard. As soon as the street banners are hung and the parade bleachers erected in downtown Indy to welcome another season of the Indianapolis 500, it’s almost as if the state drops the green flag for the start of summer. As a kid, the Indy 500 and Memorial Day weekend meant packing our winter clothes away, the first picnic of the year, and evenings spent in the backyard trying to catch lightning bugs. As soon as school was out I was at the local little league hanging out with friends and buying way too much Laffy Taffy from the concession stand. Or riding my bike to the Putt Putt Golf off of Southport Road when they offered all-day play for just $5. My brother and I would only stop to get lunch at our grandma’s house or an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen. Summers were carefree and filled with memories of impromptu experiences and well-planned vacations.

Opinion: Undersupply of college graduates is clobbering Indiana’s economy


Whenever I explain why Indiana needs more kids to attend college, I get some version of the comment, “a young person doesn’t need college to do well; we need more people in the trades.” While it is true for a few talented individuals, that is not true for a city or state. Economists call this the ‘fallacy of composition,’ which I can explain with a few facts.

Opinion: A house is a public good


We know “home is where the heart is.” And, “there’s no place like home.”