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Opinion: Knight’s rainy day dilemmas


It’s raining, it’s pouring and the old man is snoring has been the predominate weather situation throughout this soggy spring. It has been tempting to stay inside. We can’t do much in the garden or on the property except during brief dry spurts. These opportunities to stay in make us appreciate the ability to look at radar on our phones. And speaking of smartphone radar and tracking spurts of no rain, Becky went out running this morning with neighbor Kelly after checking with Big Tech. She made it back just as the rain started again.

Opinion: Building a new and improved GPL


There are times in every remodel when you think to yourself, “Why did I ever think this was a good idea?” When you’ve washed dishes in the tub all month during your kitchen remodel your kitchen, or had to share a bathroom with your teen during a master bath remodel, even the most worthwhile projects can test your patience. But when it is finally done, all those temporary discomforts are forgotten as you enjoy your new and more efficient space.

Opinion: The lives of mothers through the last century


Last summer a reader penned me a note, asking that I write about the changes in women’s lives over the past century as a tribute to Mother’s Day. That is a fine way to consider the sweep of recent economic history. I do so through the experiences of four women—my and my wife’s grandmothers. This provides enough passage of time to fully see the immense changes of the past century and longer, while still connecting it to people we knew and loved.

Opinion: Fighting inflation is a tough job


Want to sign up to be an inflation fighter? Don’t think it’s just something for the Fed, Congress, and big business to do?

Opinion: ‘The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity’


Dishonor abounds in the sordid and tragic tale of the leaked initial draft of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.

Opinion: A la carte shopping with the Wolfsies


On the Wolfsie refrigerator, next to a photo of me hugging Goofy at Disney World (I was a mere 57 years old at the time) is Mary Ellen’s list of items to be purchased on her next trip to the supermarket. Needless to say, there is frequent updating, like if we consume the last of the mayonnaise or the dog got into the pantry and gobbled up all the Raisin Bran. Our beagle did that frequently. The good news is that it made him very regular.

Ryan Trares: Moms shaped the world around me


This Sunday is designated as Mother’s Day, when families will gather to show love to the moms in their lives.

Opinion: Investing in people should be easy choice


Indiana will never be known for its beaches and mountains. Though in fairness we do have a great beach at Indiana Dunes National Park in our north and some excellent sled riding hills all over our south. The state actually has a long list of beautiful outdoor amenities in every direction of it. It’s just not what non-Hoosiers think of first when it comes to us or our home.