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OPINION: Ending hospital monopolies is needed to restore free markets


For most of my adult life, I’ve described myself as a free market economist. But, I should explain just what that means, and how it influences what I research and write about. The best way to start this essay is to observe that nearly all economic research examines the points at which markets fail. It is rare to find a technical economic paper that reports markets working especially well.

OPINION: Asking the Goldilocks questions


The preamble to the U.S. Constitution declares the intent of the document: “to form a more perfect Union.” They weren’t talking about labor organizations.

OPINION: Florida and the passion for fuzzy math


It’s time to stop pretending that America’s education debates are about, well, education.

OPINION: Tagging along on the field trip


The throng of kindergartners pushed forward, crowding in to get a better look.

OPINION: Laugh lines break up humor block


My wife, Mary Ellen, is usually a warm, caring and sensitive person, so when I turned to her the other night at dinner and said, “I can’t think of anything funny left to make fun of anymore. I may have to stop writing my humor column,” I was surprised when she replied, “Could you please pass the salt?”

OPINION: How the US has remained a world leader for so long


An interesting thing happened after Russia invaded Ukraine. Though United States’ standing in the world had taken a knock after the much-needed but chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, there was no question where the world’s democracies would turn for leadership in the Ukraine crisis. As much of Europe and Asia has found a new resolve on behalf of democratic values, in the time since the war began the US has been front and center in rallying them to the cause.

OPINION: Awe-inspired at the Old Course


I find it both odd and fascinating how sports can, at times, stir feelings akin to the sacred, even a sense of the holy.

OPINION: Find resources for your business at JCPL


JCPL is pleased to offer business owners and entrepreneurs resources including business and finance news, company management information, investment guidance, continuing education opportunities and much more to help keep your business ventures operating strongly.

OPINION: Early buds and early birds


Our daughter, Amanda, called Becky to relay information she heard on her evening drive home. The radio voice suggested people put out hummingbird feeders when the first daffodils appear. That way when the little hummers do show up sometime around mid-March or April they will have a ready food supply. Hmm, early buds mean early birds? Sounds like an idea worth looking into. Thanks for the info, Amanda.