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OPINION: Where’s inflation and growth headed?


The inflation data this week pointed to continued high prices, despite an announcement by the Federal Reserve of significant efforts to end inflation this year. At the same time, more than one economist suggested that we face higher recession risks this year. Both of these developments are worrying, and I think there is cause for concern both on inflation and recession risks. But, there is also reason for some optimism, along with plenty of uncertainty.

OPINION: Terre Haute is celebrating now, hoping for later


A new convention facility is stirring hopes in Terre Haute for economic expansion. New downtown visitors and new businesses are foreseen in conjunction with the realization of a casino. The band is practicing, “There’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight.”

OPINION: Savagery always is Putin’s default position


Evidence mounts in massive proportions that Russia has committed and continues to commit war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine.

OPINION: Dreaming of Indiana springtime


In a hurky-jerky, start-and-stop way, spring is taking hold in central Indiana.

OPINION: Split decision in Indiana towns


While at a recent speaking engagement in Lafayette, I chatted with a man from nearby Otterbein, a dot on the map in northwest Indiana, with a population around 1,200. I wasn’t familiar with the town, despite my having visited much of the state several years ago for a book I was writing, called “Indiana Curiosities.”

OPINION: Prodigal son parable offers insight this Easter


Although the parable of the prodigal son is one of Jesus’ most beloved stories, the story isn’t normally linked with the season of Easter. Yet this year, I realized there is an important connection.

OPINION: Whatever happened to long-term care insurance?


How are you going to pay for long-term care? That’s a question every middle-aged or younger Hoosier should be asking. There are few answers. The U.S. has made virtually no progress in addressing this looming crisis unlike countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, and Japan, which pay for care through social insurance programs.

OPINION: Session wrap-up from a physician’s perspective


I offer this summary of selected health-related legislation during the 2022 session of the Indiana General Assembly through the lens of a family physician.

OPINION: We can trust ourselves


In the current political context, I am more traditional than progressive, although with a few liberal skeletons in my conservative closet.