Home Opinion Page 155


Let yard sale signs bloom


A friend no longer gives to Indiana political campaigns.

David Carlson: Looking for anwers in an old Bible


In a well-needed attack on the clutter in our attic, my wife found a box of memorabilia that my parents must have given me when they cleaned out their own house.

Mark Franke: It’s Primary Season Again


It’s primary season in Indiana.

Leo Morris: Holcomb’s trans bill veto


I was a little taken aback a few days ago on reading of praise for Governor Holcomb’s “conservative” approach in vetoing a bill that would have banned transgender girls from competing on girls sports teams.

Gov. Eric Holcomb: Extending Hoosier hospitality beyond borders


As the world watches Vladimir Putin relentlessly attack Ukraine, killing children and civilians, bombing a maternity ward, firing on a nuclear energy plant, and bombarding Mariupol among other cities, Hoosiers are sending prayers.

Norman Knight: Our long run in North Dakota


Becky is out running with our neighbor Kelly.

Michael Hicks: Automation and today’s labor market challenges


Today, many businesses struggle to hire the workers they need.

John Krull: Is this a state that works?


For years, elected officials here have touted Indiana as “a state that works.”

Morton Marcus: An entire month to celebrate frozen foods


In the complex culture of the United States, March is dedicated to Irish-American Heritage, Women’s History, the Red Cross, and Frozen Foods. (Lest we be neglectful, March also offers special days for Certified Nurses, Single Parents, and Poultry.)

Dick Wolfsie: Focus on Carl


I lost a friend and colleague this week.