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Morton Marcus: Did Putin direct the Hoosier legislature?


It’s ugly and unfair to compare Vladimir Putin with the leadership of the Indiana General Assembly.

Dick Wolfsie: Hoosier farmer discovers ‘it takes two to tango’


As a wordsmith, I love reading the history behind common phrases.

Ryan Trares on parenting: Game time intensifies


We may have created a monster born out of nostalgia.

Ryan Trares: Just like old times


After more than 20 years, it was like nothing had changed.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Innovation districts need input from local and state officials


We are pleased to see that lawmakers have continued to work on an economic development incentives bill that will, among other things, provide for the development of innovation districts to help the state land mega-deals that could bring thousands of jobs to Indiana.

Dr. Richard Feldman: Special care for babies born addicted


The opioid epidemic rages on and Indiana is one of the most highly affected states.

David Carlson: Tell leaders they are only human


In Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, we are watching someone act like one of Russia’s czars from the past.

Emily Ellis: Challenge yourself to find joy


A popular sound bite has recently been on repeat in my social media feed that says something to the effect of “you don’t have to be good at your hobbies to enjoy them.”

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: US must tread carefully as it increases sanctions


A little more than a week into Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and brutal invasion of Ukraine, Russia is isolated at the United Nations, hobbled by unprecedented economic sanctions and stalled in its conquest by the inspiring resistance of Ukrainians.