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Norman Knight: Turning our C-average house into an A+ abode


Becky tore an article from a recent Good Housekeeping magazine she thought I might be interested in reading and laid it on the table.

Michael Hicks: We are in a difficult, costly conflict


Authoritarian governments are frequently thought to be more decisive than democracies.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: ‘Stand your ground’ doesn’t save lives. It leads to needless killing


The disagreements start over the most mundane of matters.

John Krull: Biden’s State of the Union meets the moment


As Joe Biden delivered his first State of the Union Address, I could not help but think about former First Lady Michelle Obama’s famous assessment of the presidency.

Economic development depends on environment qualities


I write about economic development in Indiana.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: This isn’t the way to address affordable housing


There are plenty of unanswered questions in the dispute between the city of South Bend and a local developer over the housing of people at the former Madison Center.

Dick Wolfsie: A column about a column


I do a lot of dumb things. But I have no regrets, because these missteps often end up as an inspiration for one of my columns. I do not do dumb things on purpose. That would be, well …dumb.

Ryan Trares: Game time intensifies


We may have created a monster born out of nostalgia.

Leo Morris: Who owns the history matters for the future


The Kokomo Tribune published a fascinating story about teachers-in-training at Indiana State University and their nearly universal disapproval of proposed state legislation that would limit how race and other topics are treated in the classroom.