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Trudy Lieberman: The continuing battle over a drug for Alzheimer’s disease


In April the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services should decide whether it will cover the new and costly Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm for those on Medicare.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Esports is a tourism strategy worth exploring, pursuing


We don’t claim to know a ton about esports here at IBJ, but we know a bit about numbers, and if the financial projections about competitive video gaming are accurate, we’re thrilled Indianapolis is jumping into the game.

David Carlson: America’s future — and Europe’s fate — are in our hands


I am calling on our two U.S. senators, Todd Young and Mike Braun, as well as Indiana’s U.S. representatives to publicly repudiate Trump’s deeply disturbing support of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Braun’s chance to make an impact


Mike Braun has rarely been hailed for bipartisanship, but his presence as co-leader of a group of lawmakers whose mission is to examine conditions within the U.S. Bureau of Prisons puts him in position to make a constructive contribution in the federal public policy arena.

Davin Kolderup: Come explore the new library


It was less than a year ago – March 23, 2021, to be exact – that Johnson County Public Library broke ground on a new and improved Clark Pleasant Branch Library.

Norman Knight: One foot in front of the other


In one way, all hikes are the same — one foot in front of the other.

Michael Hicks: The cost of Russian war


An immediate question facing Americans today is the economic effect of war in Ukraine.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Biden’s regulators empower Putin


In an act of bizarre timing, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) revised its policy for approving natural gas pipelines and export terminals. FERC by law must vouch that projects are in the public interest and won’t have a significant environmental impact. But now the agency plans to include greenhouse gas emissions in this analysis. The vote was 3-2, with two Republican commissioners dissenting.

John Krull: Education reform’s journey to lunacy


That the education reform movement would lead states all over the country to consider adopting measures as noxious as Indiana House Bill 1134 was somehow sadly—no, tragically—predictable.