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Hoosier wages advancing less rapidly than others in US


Young Norman Neumann sits opposite me.

Dick Wolfsie: Stay away from humor-enhancing drugs


Over the years, several of my sports heroes have had their careers tarnished following allegations they were using performance-improvement drugs.

Ryan Trares: Backseat queries


The questions start before we even pull out of the driveway.

National unity paramount to confront Putin’s war


Vladimir Putin launched an unprovoked land, air and sea attack on the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

David Carlson: Colleges should prioritize character development


Mark Twain once said that there are two days that are most important in a person’s life.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Legislature should kill full ‘election security’ bill


The Indiana Senate has amended House Bill 1116, eliminating some of the more egregious problems with a bill meant to increase restrictions on absentee voting.

Leo Morris: The ‘Quilhot Bid’


I have a new phrase to add to your vocabulary and self-help guide: the Quilhot bid.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: As public university, IU board must follow Open Door Law


If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Amber Parsons: Crafting with ease at the library


As an avid crafter, I was thrilled when Greenwood Public Library opened The Studio in March 2019.