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Ryan Trares: A childhood makeover


The first couple months of the new year bring an annual tradition like none other in our household.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Why thieves love Seattle


Democrats elsewhere may be fleeing the defund the police movement, but it lives on in Seattle.

Richard Feldman: Tobacco tax bill isn’t up to snuff


Tobacco is the only product that when used as directed may kill the consumer.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Biden hasn’t ended the disgrace of private migrant prisons. He still hasn’t.


The Trump administration was great for business — if your business happened to be running private detention centers for migrants.

Leo Morris: Zero tolerance for the word police


A white teacher in Chicago was fired recently for using the N-word in class.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Mike Pence’s truth about Trump good start, but more needed


Former Vice President native Mike Pence made news last week for a statement that in a more rational time would not need to have been made.

Mackenzie Steagall: Historical homes and H.H. Holmes


The Johnson County Public Library Historical Room, located at the Franklin Branch of the Johnson County Public Library, contains a curated collection of documents, maps, atlases, directories and other material you can use to research the history of homes in the county.

Norman Knight: Against our better judgement


Running on ice is similar to running with scissors.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Congress must unite behind China competitiveness bill


Under the shadow of growing tensions with Beijing, the U.S. House of Representatives has approved a bill that would help the United States remain economically competitive with China.

Michael Leppert: MMT is just another fad without evidence


An obscure economic fad known as Modern Monetary Theory is again in the news. This is in part because its leading advocates are backing away from several of its central predictions, while simultaneously claiming the doctrine has won the policy debate. The whole thing is a bit absurd, and should bore most thoughtful Americans. These sort of academic debates, whether they be about some obscure archeological find or mathematical proof, are best left to sort themselves out within the research community.