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Norman Knight: Sticks and mushrooms


It’s going to be warm today, near 80 degrees. It’s the middle of April, and I’m not sure how much longer we will be able to find morels.

Ryan Trares: Dealing with disappointment


The disappointment was heavy in his voice.

Editorial: All voters, young and old, are valued


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Julia Wickard: Tribute to the American Farmer


I have the tremendous opportunity to work with some of the greatest employees in the federal government and we have the pleasure to serve and work for the American farmer — the original environmentalist, who cares for the land and our natural resources like no other.

David Carlson: Pursuing the good life


Until the end of the 19th century, many of our nation’s best colleges and universities put the study and discussion of the moral life at the center of every student’s work, no matter the student’s academic major.

Dr. Richard Feldman: Regarding health care, Indiana lawmakers did remarkably little this year


Being an election year and with primary elections looming, the clear intention of the 2024 Indiana General Assembly leadership was for a short session avoiding controversial issues. Indeed, the session proved to be the lightest and most inconsequential in my memory.