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ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Pfizer’s latest COVID breakthrough


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday hailed his company’s antiviral pill Paxlovid as a “game changer” after final trial data showed it reduced risk of hospitalization among high-risk groups by nearly 90%.

David Carlson: Democracy is under fire


Twenty years ago, I spent a summer working on a log cabin in Wisconsin that was built nearly a hundred years ago.

More mirthful memories


Here is Part Two of my look back on the people, places and peculiarities that made it into my column in 2021.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: When misinformation blocked out science and reason


A story in last week’s Tribune sounded a familiar theme of misinformation in the midst of a public health crisis blocking out science and reason.

Lee Hamilton: To stay competitive, U.S. should focus on fundamentals


The United States emerged in the 20th century as the world’s most powerful and competitive nation.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Instructional materials rule would burden schools, teachers


State Republican lawmakers appear to be looking to add a significant burden to teachers and schools with a possible law that would likely provide little benefit to parents but mountains of hassle to educators.

Leo Morris: Time’s short for the short session


Aren’t you tired of all those predictably boring ceremonial solemnization stories in the news?

Dr. Richard Feldman: Logically, you should get vaccinated


A public health expert recently noted that it is impossible to convince a person thinking illogically using logic.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Keep partisanship out of school board races


Among all of the wrong-headed pieces of legislation concocted by the extreme partisan wing of the Indiana General Assembly’s ruling Republican Party, it is hard to label the GOP plan to politicize Hoosier school board races as the worst.

Lawrence Reeves