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Dick Wolfsie: Thanks for the laughs


Every year about this time, I look back with appreciation at the people, places and predicaments that made it into my column during the past 12 months.

Will responsible gun owners please stand up — and speak out?


Last week’s school shooting in Oxford, Michigan, that left four students dead was, sadly, not terribly surprising.

Edna Ruth Ford



The ‘public’ in public schools


I consider it a good day when I read or hear something that had never crossed my mind previously. Being induced to think anew about an issue from an entirely different perspective is stimulating and, on occasion, enlightening. I am always willing to rethink my position although, truth be told, I don’t often change my mind. Still, there is value in the exercise itself.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Don’t deny a dying man’s religious request


In 2008, John Henry Ramirez, 37, was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to die for the 2004 murder and robbery of Pablo Castro, a convenience store clerk in Corpus Christi.

Michael Leppert: In Season 2, when all else fails, forgiveness can help


What a year 2021 has turned out to be.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Social media’s big con game


In 2015, @Jack tweeted: “I think Twitter is the closest thing we have to a global consciousness. And I believe the world needs that right now.” Last week, the bearded @Jack, otherwise known as Jack Dorsey, quit his job as the CEO of Twitter, apparently having decided that running that thing was no longer much fun.

Katie Friedericks: Removing sensory barriers at the library


I became a parent shortly after earning my library degree, and ended up becoming a stay-at-home parent before I ever had a chance to work in a library.

Norman Knight: Introducing Zeb to our meowtastic life


“A cute little cat was following us for a while,” Becky said as she came in from her morning run with Neighbor Kelly.