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What book should you read next?


Did you know librarians have some superpowers?

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: The case for Manchin’s intransigence


On Friday, Democrats in the House of Representatives finally voted to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill that the Senate approved back in August. This gives President Joe Biden an important legislative achievement, something he badly needed. The measure is far from perfect, but it includes some necessary and valuable investments, and won support from both sides in Congress. It’s to be welcomed.

Michael Hicks: READI grants already a success


Last month, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation made public all 17 regional proposals for the state’s READI Grant program.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: A thumping in Virginia


Glenn Youngkin’s victory in the Virginia Governor’s race last week is a political thunderclap that should warn Democrats about their ideological overreach. But it may be more important as a template for how Republicans can win back the suburbs after their alienation from the GOP during the Trump Presidency.

David Carlson: Don’t blame me for your contradictions


Sometimes life offers a lesson in a mere few seconds of time, but a lesson that is worth pondering for months.

Morton Marcus: Climate changes everything


You probably noticed the Earth, including Indiana, is experiencing climate change.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: Information on Afghan debacle must be declassified so lessons can be learned


Even as the Biden administration tries to close the book on U.S. misadventures in Afghanistan, it still has yet to open the books on embarrassing information that could expose how badly the 20-year stabilization effort was mismanaged.

OUR VIEW: Working together to create a ‘blessing’ in disguise


Homelessness takes on many different forms.