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David Carlson: The art of war


What images come to mind with the word “war?” For much of human history, artists working for pharaohs, emperors, kings, queens, sultans and tsars portrayed war, especially victorious battles, as glorious moments in history.

Editorial: Solar eclipse unites Johnson County, if only briefly


For a little more than four minutes Monday, nothing else mattered.

Brian Howey: Tragic words of wisdom from violent 1968


In the midst of this current presidential election year, we have witnessed cavalier and reckless rhetoric suggesting political violence. There has been talk of a second civil war, of “retribution” and “bloodbaths” and “vermin” poisoning the blood of America.

Morton Marcus: Graduates leaving Indiana because wages are woefully weak


Students will be graduating from Hoosier high schools and colleges in just a few months. Parents and politicians want them to stay in Indiana. I recommend they leave to see what is available elsewhere and return, after a decade or so, if they choose.

Michael Hicks: What caused the Midwest to thrive? Education


A newly released study by economists from Yale and UC San Diego unlocked a key insight into the way the Rustbelt developed. Like most studies, it is just one piece of the puzzle. I found it insightful because it is yet another challenge to the view that attracting capital drives regional economic growth. In other words, jobs follow people, people don’t follow jobs.

John Krull: Trump isn’t the biggest issue


Something about Donald Trump warps perceptions.

Niki Kelly: Hoosiers must do their part against misinformation


Every day should be April Fool’s Day when preparing for an election. I don’t mean the pranks and jokes, but the skepticism in assessing news and social media posts.

Editorial: Resources needed for immigrant students


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin