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Michael Hicks: The political economy of inflation


The fourth anniversary of COVID offers an economics columnist a rich set of policy lessons. Among the most pressing is the political economy of inflation. I begin by reminding readers that inflation is largely a policy choice, involving a trade-off between either increasing unemployment or reducing the purchasing power of our dollar.

John Krull: Fear as a weapon of mass destruction


PARIS, France — The warning came not long before it was time to board the train.

Niki Kelly: Public records request on taxpayer dollars not so simple


It seemed like a simple question: how many taxpayer dollars are being spent to defend Attorney General Todd Rokita’s law license?

Norman Knight: True colors of Easter


Ah, a sunny day to sit on the front porch and enjoy bright spring.

Ryan Trares: Anxiety and eggs


The anxiety came from a wholly unexpected place.

Editorial: Whiteland still a ‘tough town’ 1 year after tornado


Sunday marks the first anniversary of one of the most devastating disasters to affect Johnson County in recent memory.

David Carlson: Finding meaning in the eclipse


In just a few days, we will experience one of the great differences between the ancient and modern worlds. I’m referring to the solar eclipse which will bring thousands of sun-gazers to our county.

Randy Kron: Indiana needs broadband to the last acre


Rural broadband access is essential to the farms that grow our food, farm families and the quality of life for rural Hoosiers.