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Ryan Trares: Bracket busters


It’s the (almost) most wonderful time of the year.

Zach Stock: Criminal justice policy in the crosshairs of the session


Crime is a perennial issue already prominent in this election year’s conversation. So, before memory fades and the pitched political battles of 2024 derail our attention, let’s reflect on the last few months of criminal justice policy at the Statehouse.

David Carlson: Throwing out the playbook


All of us who are interested in presidential politics must admit that Donald Trump has thrown out the playbook on how to get elected. It is stunning how many of the time-honored taboos that all previous candidates had to avoid have been ignored by Trump.

Editorial: Pence speaks against Trump far too late


The (Columbus) Republic

Lee Hamilton: Immigrants are helping to strengthen America’s economy


The American economy is thriving, and immigration should get some of the credit. That’s the message from experts who highlight the critical role that immigrants are playing in the workforce.

Brian Howey: Republican governor candidates vote no on Hoosier referendums


Indiana is not a referendum state. Hoosier voters cannot gather signatures to qualify an issue to appear for an up or down vote on the ballot.

Michael Hicks: Deep ideological chasm behind SB202 will remain


The debate over ideological diversity on campus won’t end with Senate Bill 202. Also, the heart of the issue isn’t what most people think.