Home Opinion Page 29


Editorial: Bills place best interest of banks over customer rights


The (Fort Wayne) Journal Gazette

Mark Franke: The Sovereignty of Conscience


When should one’s conscience have the final say in a dilemma? Or must it answer to a higher authority? And if such a higher authority exists, what is it?

Michael Hicks: NATO has secured our peace and prosperity


The first half of the 20th century was horrific.

John Krull: Biden’s special counsel was right


President Joe Biden grew testy the other day.

Niki Kelly: Veterans bills among many passing with universal support


People are often surprised when I tell them that the vast majority of bills that pass the Indiana General Assembly have overwhelming support from both Republicans and Democrats. The first half of the session showed just that.

Editorial: Lauer child safety bills respond to urgent need


The (Columbus) Republic

Norman Knight: Seven ages of man


Mark Twain is credited with the line, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”