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Editorial: Another political failure on immigration


President Joe Biden’s assertion that he’s ready to sign a border deal — one that would make it much harder for migrants to enter the United States — is a necessary and long overdue step to restore the public’s confidence in the federal government’s ability to maintain control over immigration.

John Krull: For every problem there is …


Sometimes, solutions to problems just present themselves.

Niki Kelly: Hoosiers want property tax relief, but that is the hardest for lawmakers...


Indiana legislators have been toying with a significant state tax overhaul for more than a year, even assigning a task force to review the options and present ideas for the 2025 session.

Editorial: Indiana should consider assisted suicide bill


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Norman Knight: Calendars and Christmas trees


At the beginning of the week, Becky and I usually coordinate our separate upcoming plans.

Ryan Trares: Finding the treasure trove


The hunt was on — the treasure hunt.

Mark Franke: The generational divide and the pendulum


It is a fact of life that each generation rebels against its predecessors. I will leave it to the psychologists or sociologists to explain why that is and why historically these generations tend to get the rebellion worked out of their system in early adulthood. Maybe it’s the children and the mortgage that cause a reevaluation of the perfect against the practical. Reality will win out.

David Carlson: A different St. Valentine’s Day


Next week, an odd juxtaposition of commemorations occurs when Ash Wednesday falls on Feb. 14, St. Valentine’s Day. On the surface, it would seem that the two remembrances couldn’t be further apart in meaning. Ash Wednesday invites Christians to remember that we are dust and to dust we will return. St. Valentine’s Day celebrates the power of love to give life meaning. Death and love, a seemingly odd combination.